Our Work
We are an award-winning website design and digital marketing agency who specializes in the fence industry. We made a decision several years ago to NOT display most of our portfolio examples with live links here on our website. Instead, we provide only a small snapshot of our work.
Read on to learn why we made this decision.
Client Permission
We work with multiple nationally-known brands who explicitly do not give us permission to advertise our association with them. That being said we are allowed to use their name and show our work to new leads and clients.
We Work For Other Agencies
Some of our work comes from other agencies who hire us to fulfill their contracts. As such, we are not permitted to display this work in our portfolio. We can show these projects when they are relevant to a new client or a lead.
Lack of Control
Many of the awesome websites we design are turned over to the client after the launch. One of their in-house team members or a "local" web designer then is responsible for day-to-day updates. Sadly, many people have no eye for design and they can "crap up" (an official term we use around DotCom) the site we worked so hard to design. Since we are not responsible for the ongoing maintenance of some of our websites, we are not comfortable linking to them.
Sadly, there are a few of our competitors who seem to have very similar design ideas to ours. Their websites tend to look a lot like ours AFTER we launch a new site. We decided to stop helping them come up with new innovative ideas.